Monday, August 16, 2010

Steve Slater’s vicarious outburst
Who doesn’t what to tell their boss off or give some rude SOB the business?

QUEENS, NY—Flight attendant Steven Slater has made more than headlines with his outburst at unruly passengers; he’s made himself into a sort of public folk hero—but one that could face criminal charges.

Mr. Slater, a former JetBlue flight attendant was attempting to deal with a disgruntled passenger when he was struck over the head with a piece of luggage. The passenger refused to yield or apologize, and instead of telling the pilot of the fiasco, Mr. Slater chose to take to the plane’s public address system a give every passenger a piece of his mind. He then proclaimed, “It’s been great!” and deployed the emergency chute and slid down to the runway, with a couple of beers to go. The police found him in his home later that afternoon and placed him under arrest.

Forgive us for not calling him Robin Hood, but he certainly has captured the attention of media consumers in a big way by doing what we all feel like doing from time to time—telling someone to take this job and shove it. We hope this incident serves to remind passengers of the strain airline employee endure but certainly do not hope his example will be followed by other airline employees.

—Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chelsea Clinton’s day
Estimates for her wedding range upward of $2 to $3 million—so what?

RHINEBECK, NY—Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton wed her beau, Marc Mezvinsky on July 31st. The press couldn’t get enough of the event, the Obama and Gore snub, and the cost. Reports estimate the wedding costs anywhere from $2 million to $3 million dollars—we at KP ask, so what?
We get the celebrity factor here; the need to be in the know. But what have we heard about Chelsea up until the wedding was announced…..bupkis, nada. Put numbers to the event and it becomes an event—a media event where speculation reins supreme.

So what if the shindig costs a couple million? The bride and groom are private citizens and can do (within the means of the law) as they please. Compare it to Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain—unemployment near 10 percent, foreclosures at an all time high. Making the tax payer funded Air Force 2 vacation wholly inappropriate and in poor taste—a trip along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico might have been nice but we know the Obama’s affinity for suffering—let them eat cake.

—Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Snooki calls out Obama
The Jersey Shore star swerves into the complexities of the US tax code

MTV—Jersey Shore star Snooki took a jab at the president in a recent episode regarding new health care reform regulations of UV ray sessions:

"I don’t go tanning anymore because Obama put a 10 percent tax on tanning. [Sen. John] McCain would never put a 10 percent tax on tanning. Because he’s pale and would probably want to be tan. Obama doesn’t have that problem. Obviously.”

Not one contributing member of KP has seen a single episode of Jersey Shore but the sound bite made its way virally through the Internet for all to see. It showcases the sad state of reality television as well as the sad reality of unintended consequences of bad legislation. Perhaps it will shine a light bulb over the dim heads of MTV reality junkies—when you regulate something more, you get less of it. But then again, if you so recall, liberal minds don’t reconcile basic economics.

—Killswitch Politick